豐年辦館( 下稱為「我們」或「本公司」)擁有及經營網站 www.funglinstall.com ( 下稱為「本網站」)。本網站透過互聯網提供線上購物模式,並提供一站式送貨服務。
1. 登記/註冊
1.1 閣下須於使用服務或作出訂購時先向我們登記/註冊。一經登記/註冊,即表示閣下聲明(而我們有權據此依賴有關聲明)閣下年滿18歲或以上,並有構成具法律約束力合約的能力。
1.2 當記/註冊時,閣下必須:
(i) 於填寫註冊表格時提供有關閣下的真實、準確、最新及完整的資料;
(ii) 確保妥善保存個人使用者名稱及密碼;
(iii) 授權我們假設只有閣下或閣下授權的人士使用閣下的使用者名稱及密碼登入本網站
(iv) 保持及即時更新閣下的註冊資料以確保有關資料真實、準確、最新及完整。如我們有合理理由懷疑任何資料屬不實、不準確、並非最新或不完整,我們有權暫停或終止閣下的註冊。
2. 訂購
2.1 當閣下作出訂購時,產品價格以訂購當日所示為準。
2.2 系統會向閣下登記之電郵地址發送電郵傳送客戶訂單之詳情。本公司恕不負責因客戶提供錯誤電郵地址,或因其他非本公司所能控制之因素 (如通訊網絡、電郵服務供應商問題等) 而導致電郵有所延誤或未能成功發送的後果。該電郵並不等於就訂購之貨品作出送貨承諾,惟閣下須得到我們電話/訊息確認後方可落實送貨安排。
2.3 我們保留權利就任何理由不接納或取消訂單,包括但不限於:
(i) 閣下所訂購的產品並無足夠的存貨;
(ii) 未能就閣下的地區安排送貨;或
(iii) 閣下所訂購的一件或多件產品所標示的價格因人為或電腦錯誤或供應商所提供的定價資料錯誤而出錯。
3. 付款
3.1 本公司僅接納銀行過數、PayMe、FPS、Visa、Master及Tap & Go付款,所有訂單將會以港幣結算。
3.2 如我們因任何原因取消訂單,而閣下已作出付款,我們將會向閣下退款。閣下同意及接納我們毋須就閣下的不滿而作出任何賠償。
3.3 本公司保留權利於任何時間更改付款方式而不作另行通知。
3.4 在本網站上展示的產品及價格僅供參考,以實際交易時的更改或變更為準。
4. 送貨服務
4.1 凡沒有升降機服務或需搬樓梯之送貨地址,送貨服務只限於地下自取。
4.2 當烈風訊號懸掛、紅色或黑色暴雨警告生效時或我們判斷為進行送貨並不安全的天氣情況下,送貨服務將會延期。本公司將不會另行通知閣下更改送貨日期,送貨日期將會延期至下一個車期。
4.3 我們會將閣下訂購的貨品透過我們的職員或第三方供應商送遞閣下所提供的送貨地址,商品將被視為交付予閣下及由閣下接收。倘閣下因任何原因而未能接收商品,閣下同意及接受我們有權選擇向閣下收取額外費用或取消閣下訂購而無需退款或作出任何補償。
4.4 閣下於收取貨品時必須檢查貨品是否閣下所訂購之種類、數量及是否有損毀及變壞。如發現貨品與訂購之種類及數量不符或有損毀,請立即通知本公司安排更換貨品。假如顧客已簽收貨品,本公司有權拒絕更換。
4.5 當閣下所購產品已送交閣下,閣下將成為產品的擁有人。閣下將自行承擔持有產品的風險而我們將無須為它們的損失或損壞負責。
5. 退款及退貨
5.1 如閣下於收貨後發現產品出現以下情況,可向我們要求退貨及更換產品。惟所有退貨或更換要求必須在收貨後三日內進行:
(i) 產品已損壞/包裝不完整
(ii) 懷疑出現品質問題
5.2 閣下必須就上述要求提供證明以供核實,包括:
(i) 出示有效發票證明有問題之產品於豐年辦館購買; 及
(ii) 把有問題之產品的影像/相片拍攝並透過電郵/WhatsApp發送給我們作為證據。
5.3 所有上述要求一經核實,我們會於三日內就相同產品安排退貨及更換。如果該產品沒有存貨,我們將會向閣下退款。
6. 擁有權
6.1 本公司保留貨品的所有權,直至客戶結清貨款。貨品的所有風險在貨品送抵後轉移給閣下。
7. 不可抗力
7.1 本公司倘若由於不可抗力的原因 (包括但不限於天災、火災、水災、意外、暴亂、戰爭、政府政策、罷工、海關扣查等) 而未能準確地為閣下提供所需的服務,本公司均不會向閣下或任何第三者承擔任何責任。
8. 免責聲明
8.1 本公司及其僱員、承辦商及任何第三方供應者不對下列事宜作出申述或保證:
(i) 本網站或本伺服器或任何其他本網站伺服器所儲存或取得的所有資料的完整性、質量、運作、使用、準確性或時效,或對任何目的之適合性或用途;
(ii) 透過本網站或根據有關資料索取、提供或獲得之任何產品或服務;及
(iii) 瀏覽本網站或有關資料時不受干擾,或資料正確無誤,或有關資料不含任何電腦病毒或不具污染性或破壞性。
8.2 閣下不可以有關資料作為依據。豐年辦館對閣下因依據或使用有關資料或本網站而蒙受的任何間接或直接的損害、損失、費用或開支,均不承擔任何責任。
9. 保證
9.1 閣下聲明、保證及承諾,閣下不會利用本網站作以下用途:
(i) 使用本網站作任何欺詐或非法用途;
(ii) 使用本網站誹謗、辱駡、騷擾、跟蹤、威脅或侵犯其他人士的權利 (包括但不限於其他人士的私隱權或宣傳權);
(iii) 阻礙或干擾本網站運作或本網站所用的伺服器或網絡;或違反有關網絡的任何規定、程序、政策或法規;
(iv) 對本網站傳送或發放任何有害或侵入性或可能或擬損害任何硬件、軟件或設備運作或監察任何硬件、軟件或設備使用的病毒、蠕蟲、特洛伊木馬程式或其他電腦編碼;
(v) 就任何商業用途而轉載、複製、出售、轉售或利用本網站 (包括應用程式或軟件) 的任何部分、或其使用或連接;
(vi) 對本網站的任何部分進行修訂、改編、翻譯、反向工程、反編譯或反彙編;
(vii) 未經我們的事先書面同意下建構或複製網站的任何部分;
(viii) 以有組織地下載及儲存內容、用戶內容或任何網站內容的方式建立數據庫;及
(ix) 侵犯商品的任何版權、設計權及知識產權權利。
9.2 閣下明白本網站並無義務事先對內容進行篩選,在不影響上述權利的前提下,本網站有權刪除其認為違反條款及條件或其認為在其他方面欠妥的內容。
10. 連結網站
10.1 本網站中的若干連結將引領閣下離開我們的網站。連結僅為閣下便利提供,並不意味我們對連結網站、其營運商或其內容的支持或認可。我們不就我們的網站以外的任何網站內容負責。
11. 知識產權
11.1 本網站上所有內容、用戶內容、設計、文字、圖像及其他材料的知識產權權利,及其選取或安排由我們擁有、控制或獲授權。嚴禁任何未經事前書面批准的授權使用。本網站中所有商標、產品名稱及公司名稱或標誌為本公司的財產或其各自擁有人的財產。我們並無就使用任何商標、外觀、產品名稱、公司名稱、標誌或稱號給予批准。
12. 一般事項
12.1 本公司有權隨時修改本條款及細則,而無須事前通知。如有任何爭議,本公司的決定為最終的決定。
12.2 本條款及細則以中文譯本為準。
12.3 我們高度重視私隱問題。我們的私隱政策涵蓋我們使用閣下提供的任何資料。使用我們的服務,即代表閣下同意我們可根據我們的私隱政策收集、儲存及使用有關閣下的資料。 閣下確認及同意受我們的私隱政策條款所約束。
12.4 我們保留權利可全權酌情拒絕用戶進入我們的網站或其任何部分,而毋須作出通知,並可拒絕向任何違反此等條款及細則的用戶提供服務。
12.5 此條款及細則受香港生效的法律管轄。閣下同意受香港法院的專有管轄權管轄。倘若本協議中任何部份在法律上不能執行,則該部份會於法律容許的最大可能範圍內生效,而其他部份則維持完全效力及作用。
12.6 由於閣下使用或被指稱使用本網站或本網站內容或因閣下違反本協議所引起的任何索償、訴訟或索求,包括但不限於合理法律及會計費用,閣下同意代我們抗辯,向我們賠償及使我們、我們的董事、職員及代理人免於損害。
Terms & Conditions
We are FungLinStall (collectively “we” or the “Company”) and we own and operate the site – www.funglinstall.com. Our site facilitates a convenient way to shop online with delivery services.
By using our site you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully. We reserve the right to make changes to these terms and conditions from time to time without providing any prior notification. The amended terms and conditions are effective from the date they are published on our site.
Our company would do its best to ensure the products on this website are at the latest information and prices, as well as the inventory supply, and reserves the right to change the price of the goods without prior notice. All orders are subject to the availability for final confirmation and processing. If any goods are out of stock, our company has the right to refuse the order, or provide goods of the same type and price for replacement. We will notify you by phone before the requested delivery date.
1. Registration
1.1 You are required to register or become a member when you use the services or place an order. By registering you are making a statement, upon which we are entitled to rely, that you are aged 18 or above and capable of forming a legally binding contract.
1.2 For registration, you should:
(i) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself when filling out our registration form;
(ii) maintain and promptly update your registration information to keep it true, accurate, current and complete.
(iii) authorize us to assume that only you or a person authorized by you can use your username and password to log in to the website
(iv) If we have reasonable grounds to suspect that any information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, we have the right to suspend or terminate your registration.
2. Order
2.1 When you place an order, the price of the product is counted as shown on the day of order.
2.2 Our system will send an email to your registered email address about the details of the order. Our company is not responsible for the consequences of delays or unsuccessful delivery of emails due to the wrong email address provided by the customer or other factors beyond the control of our company (such as communication network, email service provider issues, etc.). The email does not mean to make a delivery promise for the order, but you must get our phone/message confirmation before you can finalize the delivery arrangement.
2.3 We reserve the right not to accept or cancel orders for any reason, including but not limited to:
(i) the product you ordered does not have enough stock;
(ii) unable to arrange delivery for your region; or
(iii) the price of one or more products ordered is incorrect due to human or computer errors or incorrect pricing information provided by the supplier.
3. Payment
3.1 We only accept Bank Transfer, PayMe, FPS, Vias, Master and Tap & Go payments, and all orders will be settled in Hong Kong dollars.
3.2 If we cancel your order for any reason after your payment, we will arrange a refund to you. You agree and accept that we do not need to make any compensation for your dissatisfaction.
3.3 Our company reserves the right to change the payment method at any time without prior notice.
3.4 The products and prices displayed on this website are for reference only, and are subject to changes in actual transactions.
4. Delivery
4.1 For delivery addresses that do not have elevator service or need to move upstairs, delivery service is limited to collection at ground level.
4.2 Delivery service will be postponed when the typhoon signal, red or black rainstorm warning is in effect, or when we judge that the delivery is unsafe. Our company will not notify you to change the delivery date, and the delivery will be postponed to the next available delivery date.
4.3 We will deliver the order to the address you give us for delivery at the time you make your order through our staff or a third party provider. The goods shall be deemed to be delivered and accepted by you. You agree and accept that we are entitled, at our option, to charge you additional costs or cancel your order without any refund or compensation to you in the event of your failure to accept delivery for whatever reasons.
4.4 When you receive the goods, you must check whether the goods are of the correct type, quantity, and whether they are damaged or deteriorated. If the goods are found to be inconsistent with the order and quantity or damaged, please notify us immediately to arrange for a replacement. If you have signed for the goods, the company reserves the right to refuse the replacement.
4.5 When the order has been delivered to you, you will become the owner. You will bear the risk of holding the products and we will not be responsible for their loss or damage.
5. Refunds and returns
5.1 If you find that the product has the following conditions after receiving the goods, you can request for a return or replacement of the product. However, all return or replacement requests must be made within 3 days after receipt:
(i) the product is damaged/incomplete packaging
(ii) suspected quality problems
(iii) missing or wrong delivery of products
5.2 You must provide proof for verification of the above request, including:
(i) a valid receipt to prove that the product was purchased at FungLinStall; and
(ii) images/photos of the product and send it to us via email/WhatsApp as evidence.
5.3 Once all the above requirements are verified, we will arrange the return and replacement of the same product within three days. If the product is out of stock, we will refund you.
6. Ownership
6.1 Our company retains the ownership of the goods until the customer settles the payment. All risks of the goods are transferred to you after the goods are received.
7. Force Majeure
7.1 If our company fails to accurately provide you with the services you need due to force majeure reasons (including but not limited to natural disasters, fires, floods, accidents, riots, wars, government policies, strikes, customs detentions, etc.), our company will not bear any responsibility to you or any third-party.
8. Disclaimer
8.1 The company, its employees, contractors and any third-party suppliers do not make representations or guarantees regarding the following matters:
(i) The completeness, quality, operation, use, accuracy or timeliness of all information stored or obtained on this website or this server or any other server on this website, or its suitability or use for any purpose;
(ii) Any products or services requested, provided or obtained through this website or based on relevant information; and
(iii) When browsing this website or related information, there is no interference, or the information is correct, or the relevant information does not contain any computer viruses or is not polluting or destructive.
8.2 You cannot use relevant information as a basis. FungLinStall is not responsible for any indirect or direct damages, losses, expenses or expenses incurred by you based on or using the relevant information or this website.
9. Guarantee
9.1 You declare, guarantee and promise that you will not use this website for the following purposes:
(i) Use this website for any fraudulent or illegal purposes;
(ii) Use this website to defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or infringe the rights of other persons (including but not limited to the privacy or publicity rights of other persons);
(iii) Obstruct or interfere with the operation of this website or the server or network used by this website; or violate any rules, procedures, policies or regulations related to the network;
(iv) To transmit or distribute to this website any virus, worm, Trojan horse or other computer code that is harmful or intrusive or may or intend to damage the operation of any hardware, software or equipment or monitor the use of any hardware, software or equipment;
(v) Reprint, copy, sell, resell or utilize any part of this website (including applications or software), or its use or connection for any commercial purpose;
(vi) Revise, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any part of this website;
(vii) constructing or copying any part of the website without our prior written consent;
(viii) Create a database in a way that downloads and stores content, user content or any website content in an organized manner; and
(ix) Infringement of any copyright, design rights and intellectual property rights of the goods.
9.2 You understand that this website is not obliged to filter any content in advance. Without affecting the above rights, this website has the right to delete any content that is believed to be violating the terms and conditions or in other respects.
10. Hyperlinks
10.1 Certain links in this website will lead you to leave our website. The links are provided for your convenience only and do not mean that we support or endorse these websites, their operators or content. We are not responsible for the content of any website other than our website.
11. Intellectual Property
11.1 The intellectual property rights of all content, user content, designs, text, images and other materials on this website, and their selection or arrangement are owned, controlled or authorized by us. Any unauthorized use without prior written approval is strictly prohibited. All trademarks, product names and company names or logos on this website are the property of the company or their respective owners. We have not granted approval for the use of any trademarks, appearance, product names, company names, logos or titles.
12. General
12.1 Our company reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In case of any dispute, the decision of our company shall be final.
12.2 The Chinese translation of these terms and conditions shall prevail.
12.3 We emphasize the importance of privacy issues. Our privacy policy covers our use of any information you provide. By using our services, you agree that we can collect, store and use information about you in accordance with our privacy policy. You confirm and agree to be bound by the terms of our privacy policy.
12.4 We reserve the right to deny users’ access to our website or any part of it at our sole discretion without notice, and we can refuse to provide services to any user who violates these terms and conditions.
12.5 These terms and conditions are governed by the laws in force in Hong Kong. You agree to be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts. If any part of this agreement cannot be enforced in law, that part will take effect within the maximum possible scope permitted by law, and the other parts will remain fully effective.
12.6 As a result of your use or alleged use of this website or the content of this website or any claim, lawsuit or demand arising from your breach of this agreement, including but not limited to reasonable legal and accounting expenses, you agree to defend us and compensate us and to protect us, our directors, employees and agents from harm.
Last update: January 2022